Google Groups - Set General Information


The General Information section contains the name, description, and email settings for your Group. The Group Name and Group Email Address settings are presented when creating a Group within the domain.


The General Information section contains the name, description, and email settings for your Group. The Group Name and Group Email Address settings are presented when creating a Group within the domain. Once created, other general information settings and permissions can be adjusted by clicking Manage on the Topics screen, expanding the Information section on the left-hand side, and clicking General information. See Edit Permissions for information on permissions in Google Groups.

The following is a glossary of the options available under General information.

  • Group name: Type a Group name in the Group name field. Consider searching for existing Groups to help you determine how to name your Group (you’ll want a name that distinguishes your Group from other Groups).
  • Group email address: The Group email address can be used by members to receive and respond to posts. By default, the Group email address is generated from the Group name. Modify this address if you do not like the default address.
  • Group description: Type a Group description in the 'Group description' field. The description should clearly identify the purpose of the Group for prospective members.
  • Group’s primary language: Select a language from the 'Group’s primary language' drop-down list.
  • Allowed topic types: This option allows you to configure the type of topics in the Group. You can have discussions, questions or both. The default setting is “Discussions.”
  • Default topic type: This option allows you to configure if discussions or questions will be the default topic type (requires you to choose “Discussions and Questions” in the previous question).
  • Allow posting by email: This option identifies whether members can post to the Group by sending an email to the Group’s email address.
  • Allow users to post to the Group on the web: This option allows Group members to post from in addition to the Group email address.
  • Embedding your Group: This paragraph of information explains how to embed your Group in a web page.



Article ID: 10198
Thu 9/29/22 9:52 AM
Thu 9/29/22 9:52 AM