Google Groups - Create a New Topic


When you create a new topic you are also creating the first post in the topic. A topic is analogous to an email thread.


When you create a new topic you are also creating the first post in the topic. A topic is analogous to an email thread.

How to Create a New Topic in a Group Via the Web

  1. From the Topics screen, click the New topic button.
  2. Depending on the Group settings, you may need to select the type of post. The potential type of posts available are:
    • Discussion - A general post and response interaction usually available to all members of a Group.
    • Question - A formal type of discussion. Questions can have a workflow associated with and can be assigned to other members to answer, for example.
    • Announcement - A topic containing important information from the administrators for all members.
  3. Optional: Check the Display at the top checkbox to create the new topic at the top of the topic list. This option is only available for Group owners, or for members to whom permission is given.
  4. Optional: Check the Lock checkbox to block users from replying to the topic. This option is useful if you are making an announcement and do not want any replies to the announcement. This option is only available for Group owners, or for members to whom permission is given.
  5. Type the subject of the topic in the 'Subject' field.
  6. Optional: Click on the 'Attach a file' link to attach a file to the initial post.
  7. Type the introduction to the topic. Add formatting as needed by clicking on the buttons above the topic body.
  1. Click the Post button to post the topic. The topic appears in the list of topics for the Group.

How to create a new topic in a Group via email

  1. Open a new email message.
  2. Enter the email address of the Group in the To: field.
  3. Enter a subject for your post in the Subject field
  4. Compose your message (post), and send.



Article ID: 10205
Thu 9/29/22 10:39 AM
Thu 9/29/22 10:39 AM