Gaming System Registration


Students are welcome to bring their gaming consoles to campus and use the CWRU network for connecting and playing multi-user online games. Gaming consoles that utilize the wired network must be registered. Use the registration form link below.


Students are welcome to bring their gaming consoles to campus and use the CWRU network for connecting and playing multi-user online games. The Service Desk and the UTech CARE Center offer general support for personal gaming systems. The UTech Service Desk offers complimentary 24/7/365 support from a technical support staff member by calling 216.368.HELP (4357).

Depending on your gaming console models, you may be able to connect your console to CWRU wired or wireless network.  MAC address registration is needed in most cases. 


About Network Registration:



Article ID: 7893
Thu 7/28/22 9:01 AM
Wed 11/22/23 1:29 PM