We are pleased to announce that SpartaIRB (SpartaIRB.case.edu), the new electronic IRB submission system for both University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University, was fully implemented in March 2018. The new system is designed to be more user-friendly, and we hope that it will make the process of submitting to the IRB easier and more straightforward.
We transitioned approved study data from the current systems (UH’s “cortex.case.edu” and CWRU’s “cwru-iris.case.edu”) at each institution into SpartaIRB.
If you want to log completely out of SpartaIRB, simply close the browser tab and the browser application.
Contact the Sparta applications support team at sparta@case.edu if your email is correct and you are still not getting notifications.
The user will need to fill out a New User Request form on our website.