Canvas - How do I create a course?

Tags canvas wizard

To create your course(s) in Canvas, you'll need to use the Canvas Wizard. This process takes just a minute to complete and automatically associates any SIS enrollment data with the course (which means you won't have to manage any students who add or drop the course!).

You will only be able to create courses that have you listed as the instructor in SIS; if you do not see a course listed in the Wizard that you are teaching, please work with your department and the Registrar's Office to ensure you are listed as the course instructor in SIS.

In addition to real courses, you have the ability to create a sandbox course using the Wizard, which is an empty course with no students or SIS association. This is a safe place for you to learn about Canvas without worrying about making mistakes or impacting real students.

If you need to create a course site for some other use not associated with a SIS course, please send your request to or contact the [U]Tech Service Desk at (216) 368-HELP or at

Written Tutorial

  1. Navigate to the Canvas Wizard. Select on Help from the Global Navigation menu (on the left of the Canvas page) and select the Canvas Wizard link.
  2. Once in the Wizard, select Add courses to Canvas.
  3. At the very top of the page, select whether you would like the course(s) you're creating to be published or not.
    • Courses that are published are immediately available to students who are enrolled in the course. You can still unpublish the course if you need to close it off temporarily when building your course.
    • Unpublished courses allow you to build before students have access, but you will need to publish the course when you're ready for students to have access.
  4. Select the radio button next to the course(s) you want to create.
  5. Select Add courses to Canvas and wait for the confirmation screen. (Note: Please do not double-click this button. Clicking more than once will cause an error to occur.)

Once confirmed, you can either click on the link on the Wizard page to open your new course, or you can log in to Canvas and find it there instead. Remember that if you have decided to create your course without publishing, you will need to publish it (when you're ready!) for students to have access.

Video Tutorial

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Article ID: 12304
Mon 2/20/23 2:21 PM
Wed 3/8/23 9:26 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Canvas is the Learning Management System at CWRU, providing campus members the tools and resources needed for in-person and online teaching and learning. Canvas includes tools instructors and students have come to depend on, such as assignments, announcements and tests.