Canvas - How do I use a publisher/3rd party tool?

Tags canvas

When working with publishers, vendors, and other 3rd party tool integrations in Canvas, there is typically a tool that needs to be configured by a Canvas administrator. Some tools, such as Zoom and Echo360, are already configured for all Canvas courses, while others can be set-up by instructors in their individual courses. For a list of available integrations that instructors can configure, please see this list. If you would like to add a tool that's not listed to your Canvas course, or have questions about configuring an app, please contact the Canvas team at


Article ID: 12318
Mon 2/20/23 3:53 PM
Wed 3/8/23 9:26 AM

Related Services / Offerings (1)

Canvas is the Learning Management System at CWRU, providing campus members the tools and resources needed for in-person and online teaching and learning. Canvas includes tools instructors and students have come to depend on, such as assignments, announcements and tests.