Forwarding your CWRU campus phone

Automatically forward all incoming calls from your CWRU phone using the buttons on the phone or the web interface.

To forward all of the calls to another number:

  • Use the functions on the phone
    1. Press the "CFwdALL" soft key. You will hear a confirmation beep.
    2. Enter the phone number you want to forward all of your calls to (ex. cell or home phone). Don't forget the "9", even if it's a local number.
    3. A message will appear in your desk phone's display reminding you that your calls are forwarded with the "forward to" number.
  • Use the web interface
    1. Log into
    2. In the left navigation, select "Call Forwarding".
    3. Select the phone number to forward.
    4. Follow the prompts to set the new number. Don't forget the "9", even if it's a local number.

To Cancel Call Forwarding

  • On the phone press the "CFwdALL" soft key or use the web interface.


Article ID: 10029
Mon 9/19/22 2:01 PM
Mon 9/19/22 2:01 PM