Google Mail - Mobile Apps

Email on smartphones and tablets

There are three primary ways by which to use Case Western Reserve email from your mobile device: the Gmail mobile app, the device's built-in email app or the device's web browser.

Download and use the Gmail app

For the best and most reliable experience on compatible devices, use the Gmail and Google Calendar mobile apps to get your CWRU email and appointments on-the-go. These apps bring the full power of Google to your mobile device, and it's easy to set them up for your Case Western Reserve account.

Download and use the Inbox by Google app

Inbox by Google gives you a new way to stay organized and get back to what matters at CWRU. Everything from Gmail (your emails, contacts, and labels) is available with Inbox. Gmail and Inbox stay in sync so what you do in one app will appear in the other. Gmail and Inbox have many of the same features, but there are differences. To get the most out of Inbox by Google, try to use it for all your email.

Use your device’s built-in email app

If you prefer, you can connect your CWRU email account directly to the email app that comes with your mobile device.

Use your device’s web browser

If you don't need constant access to CWRU email from your smartphone or tablet, log in to from your device's web browser as needed.