Case Western Reserve is offering an email redirect service to alumni to ensure continued access to new messages sent to their university email accounts. To set this up, simply complete the form by providing a verified external email address (not associated with CWRU) where your mail will be routed. All university email addresses associated with your account, such as, and any email aliases, will be redirected to the external email address.
NOTE: As of July 7, 2023 at 10 AM EST, alumni will lose their Google Workspace access. Redirection must be set prior to this date and time to avoid any loss of information. If an alum does not redirect their mail by July 7 and their account gets suspended, there is no way to recover the email sent to their CWRU address after the account was suspended on July 7. Those messages will bounce and not be retrievable.
Before you begin, you must know your CWRU network ID (i.e., abc123) and passphrase, and have access to an external email address you can check while using the form.
Tools to help
Directions to redirect your CWRU email
- Visit CWRU’s Email Redirecting Service.
- Sign in with your CWRU network ID and passphrase.
- Select “Add an email address.”
- Add your external email address in the text box, and select “Validate this email address.”
- Check your external email address inbox for a message from CWRU with the subject “Your email address verification code.”
- If you don’t see it, check your spam folder.
- If you don’t receive it, click “Send me a new code.” If you still do not receive it, click “Cancel validation” and contact the UTech Help Desk at 216.368.4357, or
- Once you receive the code in your external email, enter the code in the text box and click “Validate authorization code.”
- If it’s correct, you will see a “success” page and receive a confirmation email to your external email address.
- If the code is not correct, you will be prompted to enter it again. If you continue to have issues, contact the UTech Service Desk at 216.368.4357, or
- Moving forward, email sent to your CWRU email address(es) will be routed to your external email address; it will no longer be delivered to your CWRU email account. To update your external email address in the future, return to the Email Redirecting Service page.
To learn how to transfer or download your data out of Google Workspace (previous emails, files or folders), visit the Alumni FAQ page.
*Note: Alumni who have used the Email Routing tool to redirect their email to a personal, external account, but return to the university as faculty, staff/employee, student, or affiliate, will have that removed from their account. This means after rejoining the university as an active affiliate, alumni will have access to the university's Google Workspace account and thus their email through If the alumni's return is less than 6 months from the time of losing your previous affiliation as faculty, staff/employee, student or affiliate, then your previous data will be restored. If it is more than 6 months, then that data is no longer available.
**Note: Some Alumni may receive an email to setup forwarding but already have and have used the redirect tool. Those users may ignore those emails, and below is an example of a user: