"Webex Calling" is a cloud-based Unified Communication Service marketed by Cisco that is used at CWRU to provide softphones for the University. This article documents how to access Webex Calling Voicemail.
Listen to your voice messages
When you receive a new voice message, a copy of the voicemail message will be emailed to you. However, you can listen to, download, and delete your voice messages directly in the Webex User Hub, or using the Webex app or retrieve them by calling into the voicemail portal. For more information, please visit Webex Help Center
Listen to your voice messages via Webex User Hub
2) Navigate to Settings > Calling > Voicemail
3) Go to Voicemail inbox and click Manage voicemails.
4) Click the voice message and then click the Play icon to hear the message.
To download or delete a single voice message—Click the

icon and choose
Download or
Listen to your voice messages using the Webex app (more info)
You do not need a PIN to access voice messages directly in Webex App
1) Perform one of the following action
- On the Webex Desktop App, go to Voicemail
on the left (desktop app) , choose a message, and then listen to the message in one of the following ways:
- Right-click the message and choose Play voice message.
- Click Play
in the window that opens to the right.
- On the Webex Mobile App, go to
and then tap Voicemail at the top of your Call History.
- Choose a message, and then in the Voicemail information window, tap Play

Listen to your voice messages by calling the Webex Voicemail Portal
1) Perform one of the following action:
- From any phone, dial the 216-754-1600
- From a Cisco IP Phone, press the Messages key.
- From Webex app, Tap
, select Call Voicemail
2) Perform one of the following actions when prompted:
- If it prompts you for the voicemail ID, enter your 10 digits phone number (e.g. 2163683456) and then your passcode.
- If it prompts you for the passcode, enter your passcode
3) Follow the voice prompts to listen to your voicemail.