Webex Calling - Reset Voicemail PIN

"Webex Calling" is a cloud-based Unified Communication Service marketed by Cisco that is used at CWRU to provide softphones for the University.  This article documents how to reset your Webex Calling Voicemail PIN. 

When you calling into the webex voicemail portal (216-754-1600), you have three attempts to enter your voicemail PIN correctly.  After the three failed attempts, your voicemail account will be in a locked out state.  You will have to reset your voicemail PIN in order to regain access to your voicemail account.


Set or reset your voicemail PIN (more info)

2)  Navigate to Settings > Calling > Voicemail
3)  Go to Voicemail PIN section and then click Reset voicemail PIN.
4)  Enter your New Voicemail PIN within the following requirements.
  •     Must be at least six digits long. Numbers only.
  •     Must not be any of your previous ten PINs
  •     Must not be the reverse order of your old PIN.
  •     Must not match the numeric representation of your first or last name.
  •     Must not contain your phone number or extension number.
  •     Must not contain single or groups of repeated digits (for example, 228883, 121212, or 408408).
  •     Must not be a numerical sequence (for example, 012345 or 987654).
  •     Must not contain numbers that are dialed in a straight line on the keypad.

5)  Reenter your PIN in Confirm Voicemail PIN and click Submit.