Report Phishing

Cyber criminals want your password, your credit card numbers and other forms of personal information. To do this, they send emails that trick you into divulging your Network ID (username) and password, as well as other forms of personal information.

This act, commonly known as phishing, is a global problem that grows more challenging as criminals invent new forms of deception. University Technology (UTech) actively monitors and protects our environment, but you are the first line of defense.

If you receive a suspicious email, use this page to report it.

Warning: Case Western Reserve University will never request confidential information through email, such as your university password or Network ID. Therefore, refrain from clicking links in email messages that appear to be from Case Western Reserve University UTech. Often these links correspond with websites that look familiar, but actually are fake pages designed to capture personal information.

Report Phishing

Related Articles (2)

Phishing is the fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication.
Phishing is a common email-based attack used by cyber criminals to steal information from you. A phishing email pretends to be from someone or something you know or trust, such as your bank or your favorite online store, then tries to entice you into taking an action, such as clicking on a link, opening an attachment, or responding to a message.


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